Why Do We Choose Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Wood Cutting?

2022-05-17 Share

Why Do We Choose Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Wood Cutting? 


Have you seen such a scene? 

The operators worked hard in the workshop with a specific tool in their hands, and sweat dripped down from his forehead to the wood that he was processing. But now, it's not easy to see a scene like this again. Most of the work has no longer needed human force. There are machines with higher efficiency and higher precision that can produce more projects and save costs.

How do these machines cut the woods?

We can watch it on television, and with waves of tremoring and some noisy sound, there come finished woods. We don’t know how these woods comes out. If you’ve ever looked closely, you can find small pieces of cutters loaded on the machines.

What are they?

We call them tungsten carbide inserts, and now they are used in the wood processing machines. But it doesn't mean we have only one choice. In fact, years ago, there was a kind of flat cutter which are popular among producers. But why we can hardly see the traditional flat cutter in the factory or in a personal workshop?


There are three main reasons:

1. These tungsten carbide cutting cutters for wood will not produce burn marks on the cutting surface, but traditional flat cutters will. When it is used for a long time, its cutting edge gets dulled. And when the feed temporarily stops, the cutting heat will remain burn marks on the surface.

2. Traditional flat cutter has a bad performance in temperature distribution. When the tool gets hot in its working, the cutting edge will also sustain higher heat, and the passivation speed will be improved, which may cause the tool to lose its original stability. But none of those carbide blades with an aluminum alloy blade body will have these problems. These tungsten carbide inserts with better heat dissipation have indicated stability and promised a longer service life.

3. Small blades loaded on the spiral cutter head will produce smaller wood chips, which means you can easily discharge the wood chips away from the wood surface. But traditional flat cutters are prone to produce large signs of damage on the wood. Due to their large force area, traditional flat cutters are easy to form cutting deformation and will give you a ragged cutting surface.

So why do we choose tungsten carbide inserts for wood cutting?

All in all, there are too many advantages that make us choose tungsten carbide inserts for woodworking. Some people who are using traditional cutters still think traditional cutters are better. But with the progress of times and the development of science and technology, things will get updated. These are not because they don’t have advantages, but because there is a better choice for us.

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